Duy Huynh Duy Huynh

Supabase Usage.

Supabase usage

How I use supabase for very basic things, in a simplest way, tech stack: React + Nodejs


  • Setup database through GUI in supabase is fine
  • SQL editor, can be used for tinkering with database query
  • Supabase’s SQL function supports is my favorite feature. Basically, we define a SQL function (a bunch of SQL statements), and invoke the function name only => No worry for ORM, writing raw SQL,… ![[Pasted image 20240123215040.png]]
  • About RLS, I can’t insert into table without turning off, maybe I’ll check its configuration again.
  • Creating Tables are kind of slow though, have to type in fields, would be great if can draw diagram, and it generate CREATE TABLE statements for me.

![[Pasted image 20240123215122.png]]

  • Just a visualizer, cant edit on mouse click


  • My goal is to use supabase to login with OAuth in frontend, then use that in my Nodejs server as well for Authentication, and database ( link the supabase auth user object to my Postgres User table )
// Follow docs for initialization, 
// we get a supabase object
// In frontend, use these 

// After login, we can use 
// to get access token, right after logged in in frontend
  • in server-side, pass that access_token (prefereably through header) for auth:

const user = await supabase.auth.getUser(access_token) 
// this way we can check Auth, depend on whether user is null or not 
  • usually, we need to link this to User Table in our database, and return that user object
const { data } = await  supabase.from("User").select().eq("email", user.email);
// email is unique
// we can attempt to create user row if not available...